Alana Woodschan

I Am Fit Life


As an Oakland native who's trained in the Bay Area for the last 10 years, Alana has built a reputation for teaching her clients simple ways to live more holistically while highlighting the importance of mindful movement, effective breathing and proper nutrition.

With experience teaching at spaces from UC Berkeley and Chiropractic clinics to private gyms and playgrounds, Alana has trained youth, beginners, mature populations and professional athletes all while sharing how empowering mindful movement can truly be. Having earned her Masters in Chinese Medicine, Alana likes to integrate her knowledge of Eastern Medicine into her personal training programs, providing the blueprints to holistic health and wellness.

Alana’s compassionate instructional style includes identifying areas of improvement while introducing simple body wisdom building techniques so that her clients feel more at home in their bodies. Some of her favorite training styles are TRX, battle ropes, HIIT, mobility and corrective exercise.

Alana enjoys meeting her clients where they’re at while creating the foundations needed to achieve their goals. She is a gentle, empathetic and inquisitive coach and likes to explore the best ways she can help her clients, celebrating every milestone both seen and unseen.


Kundalini Yoga

Strength and Conditioning

Calisthenics & Yoga

Weight Loss


M.S. Oriental Medicine

KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor

NASM - National Academy of Sports Medicine, Certified Personal Trainer

NASM - Corrective Exercise & Performance Enhancement Specialist

CPR/AED Certified